Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 19--no legs

Our  5yr old called for me this morning in loud desperation,

Thus, I came running down to find him in the tub.

"What is it?! Are you okay?"

"Yes," he replied calmly as if he were not just screaming my name. "Look at my feet and legs," he instructed.

"They are under the bubbles," I observed.

"They are GONE," he corrected with utter amazement at his own magical skills.

"Oh no," I replied equally stunned, "What are you going to do? How will you get out of the tub? Will you have to pull yourself on your belly-button?"

He looked at me as if to say, "How have you survived this many years without me?" And then explained, "No. I will have to bounce on my head."

"Ah Ha," I conceded, closing the conversation.

And as he sat in the tub, squirting soapy water between his cupped hands, he reflected on what he just said, truly adjusting his day in his mind for the life change he had just made in that moment, and without looking up, added with great introspection, "That is going to be hard."

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