Sunday, November 17, 2013

The answer I have not...

Where's Yoda when you need him?

I don't know what to do. I don't. I just keep sitting here wishing for a magical parenting manual to appear in which I would thumb through the table of contents to "sports and children" and then quickly flip to the back of the book for the answer---just like I did in 6th grade math. Damn the later lesson taught of sixth grade math.

My hope is that at the back of said book there would simply be a very factual and precise answer that says "If this...'child hates it', 'weekends full of tears',  than that...'quit'."

But it's not that black and white. And there is no book. And I think, like many in the workforce, that I need to go on furlough in order to return with a clear perspective.

Because what I need that book to address would involve way too many footnotes. But for the sake of seeking inner peace, I imagine it would look a little like this (Which by the way, is yes, truly all in my head on a regular basis):


* Child said he wanted to do the sport.
** Child encouraged father to be head coach.
***Child wants credit for doing such a hard sport.
****Child does not feel like trying at practice nor tournaments.
*****Child swears he is trying.
******Child has been seen standing around with his finger in his mouth staring into space.
*******Child says he DOES like said sport.
********Child is getting hurt every weekend due to lack of effort.
*********Parents don't want to support "quitting"...however...
**********Child swears he does not want to quit.
***********Child often says he wishes he didn't have said sport tomorrow.
************Child takes pride with friends that he is in said sport.
*************Father is watching own children of team he is coaching "puss out."
**************Mother is paying to watch Father watch own children of team he is coaching "puss out."
***************Mother is driving great distance and surrendering each Saturday until MARCH to watch Father watch own children of team he is coaching "puss out."
*****************Parents are encouraging the concept of "trying" through a delicate, scientifically precise method called "shaming."
******************Mother is emphasizing the importance of "trying" lest her babies get beat on.
*******************Mother has seen them be successful and wonders where those kids went.
********************Children SWEAR they want to do said sport.
*********************Children SWEAR they are trying, as they move up a level on Plants vs Zombies while waiting for next match in the bleachers.
**********************Mother and Father start to doubt every choice they ever made starting 10 years ago as they drive thru Carl's Jr. on the way home every Sat.

Than "THIS"
*Drink whenever you can. And smile and nod. It's their path. Not yours. Viva "detachment parenting!"
**Or should be their guide. Teach them right from wrong.
***But, you can only do so can't do it for them.
****But what if they are doing it "to please" not because they want to?
****That is not up to you, they need to figure that out for themselves.
*****But at what price?
******I give up too. Perhaps pop a valium before a tournament...

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