Thursday, June 13, 2013

I think I prefer fake fishing aunt got the kids fishing poles. And I am thankful for the lesson I got on setting up the line with weights and hooks. I know that I fished a little as a kid---I have pictures holding up my fish. I don't, however, have any recollection of baiting the hook with live, moving worms nor trying to get the fish (that's fighting for its life) off the hook.

I learned this morning, that somewhere between quitting smoking, having children, and participating at a peace-loving preschool for 7 yrs, I've become soft.

It was really uncomfortable and upsetting to bait the hook, and even more so as I struggled to get it out of a small fishes throat.

I'm a wuss. A worm sensitive, fish appreciating wuss. I don't think I can take them fishing again. And they want to go in the morning...early. So, I'm thinking, if you go to bed early you could wake up and make some special father/child memories tomorrow am. Memories of worm slaughtering and fish killing. make sure to take pictures.


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